Rotate PDF

Rotate and save your PDF pages online for free

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The file exceeds the maximum file size allowed. Please feel free to use our desktop version.

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The file exceeds the maximum number of pages allowed. Please feel free to use our desktop version.

Maximum pages exceeded!

To increase the page limit per file to 2000 pages, please subscribe to HiPDF Pro.

Maximum file size exceeded!

To increase the size limit per file to 100MB, please subscribe to HiPDF Pro.

No, thanks


{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}

conversion process



File protected

This file is password protected, please submit the password so that we can open it.


{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}


Your PDF file has been successfully rotated!

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  •   {{ numberError }}
  • {{ index + 1 }}

{{ file.file_name }}

hipdf rotate pdf online

How to rotate one page in PDF:

1. Choose the PDF file in our PDF rotator.
2. After import, select option “page mode” or “file mode”.
3. After rotating the PDF pages, press “Apply” button.
4. Lastly, press “Download” icon to export.

 4.8/5 - {{ }} votes

  • Securely Rotate PDF Online

    We use SSL encryption and erase your files permanently from our server. You can easily rotate your PDF file, and no one else will access them.

  • Rotate PDF Free

    To rotate PDF pages our free online tool is a simple solution. It lets you rotate multiple/single pages or the entire document. No installations required and no subscription to pay.

  • Rotate PDFs on all Devices

    Our online service rotates files in the browser so it does not care which devices you use for rotating. You can use any favorite device like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, etc.

  • Rotate PDF Pages Tool API

    Rotate pages of your PDF document is a simple tool. It is an excellent tool that can rotate and download your rotated PDF pages instantly. It is handy and gives quick outputs.

  • Quick Tool to Rotate PDFs

    Our tool will allow you to rotate PDF pages and save them permanently. After you upload your document, this online tool will let you turn pages in any way you like.

  • Rotate PDF on Cloud

    If you want to rotate your pages, you do not have to install or download any software. You only have to upload your PDF document online so it all happens on cloud!

Learn how to rotate PDF step by step


Feature-rich PDF API for developers

hipdf api for developers
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