Easily convert JPG to PNG online for free

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  • {{ fileData.file_name | subLengthStr(35) }}
  • hipdf conversion process Upload completed Waitting Upload failed Damaged file Invalid File Type! File protected Converting Compressing PDF {{ fileData.operateProcess + '%' }} Conversion Completed {{ fileData.output_size | fileSizeFormat }}   {{ fileData.file_size | fileSizeFormat }} Resize completed Conversion failed,Please try again later! This file is compressed and cannot be compressed further. Compression failed! Resize failed

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  • High High compression, less quality
  • Medium Good compression, good quality
  • Low Less compression, high quality
Resize by percentage:   % px px

{{ numberError }} Note: we will maintain aspect ratio while resizing image.

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hipdf jpg to png online

How to convert JPG to PNG:

1. Click "Choose File" button and select your JPG Image to upload.
2. Wait for Upload processing in seconds.
3. Click on "Convert" button to start JPG to PNG conversion.
4. Once completed, download and save your output PNG file.

 4.4/5 - {{ }} votes

  • User data is safe guarded

    We maintain online security through a well-design SSL encryption to prevent online theft and breach of privacy. Your files are kept safe because they are deleted after one hour of processing.

  • Easy to Use Converter

    This online JPG to PNG converter is one of the easiest tools you will ever use. The user-friendly interface and quick output delivery are what make it so simple and efficient.

  • Accessible to All Devices

    HiPDF is easily available on all popular browsers and works on all operating systems like Mac OS, Windows and Linux. So start to convert JPG to PNG online!

  • JPG to PNG API

    With over a decade of experience in this industry, we have created an effective API to convert all types of file formats quickly and easily.

  • Great User Interface

    Tired of ads and slow websites? Our tools are super quick and have a user-friendly interface with zero ads and lags.

  • Cloud based Application

    This JPG to PNG converter online tool is part of our cloud technology. This means every single person can access it anywhere in the world with internet.


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